Club Penguin Pookie Wiki
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A tummy pookie

Tummy pookies (commonly referred to as Tum Tums) are pookies who live while their mumu is pregnant until they are born. They are the complete opposite of eggs, but you could be banned for sexual language.

Tummy pookies are usually found in the pet shop, or in a hospital igloo. Since sexual language is not allowed on Club Penguin, you will have to find a pookie that says "Fwee Tummy/Tum Tum!" Then, you will have to say "Me!" and run over to them. The tummy then will walk where ever you walk and not say anything until it is born.

In a few Club Penguin days (3-7 minutes), your tummy pookie will say "Is ready." You will either have to find a hospital igloo, go to the beacon, or set your own igloo to a hospital and have one of the members of your fam fam dress as a doctor. Without getting into too much detail here, your tummy pookie will eventually say "Is out" and start crying and turn the color red, at which they are extremely vulnerable to wild animals and airborne bacteria. You will have to warm up the tummy and give them clothes. It is then that your tummy pookie is officially a newborn!


  • Some Mumu's walk around with twins or triplets, instead of one tummy pookie.
  • They are more common than eggs.
  • Tummy pookies usually just wear the color yellow.
  • Tummy pookies are almost NEVER discolored.
  • Some tummy pookies are made the other way on CPPS's such as and
  • You may see many tummy pookies throughout your pookieing career, but the chances of tummies getting adopted are rare.
  • Most pookies prefer being born in eggs then tummies.
  • Newborn tummy pookies are extremely afraid of The Wizard.
  • If you do a tummy pookie, you could get easily banned, but that doesn't apply to