Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

Summer Camp was something pookies could go to, sometimes along with their wista or broder, and sometimes even their Biggy Wista or Biggy Bro. It was generally held at an igloo, and it mostly represented a nature camp.

What a Summer Camp Had[]


What a summer camp may look like.

The camp, like most camps, had several "stations" or "areas", some inside and come out. These are some places it may have had:

  • Bunks/Cabins/Tents (where pookies would sleep) 
  • Campfire 
  • Dining Area
  • Playground area 
  • Sports Area 
  • Pond/Pool 
  • Meeting Place 
  • Classroom (rare) 


Some summer camps may have had uniforms. Uniforms were usually just a simple t-shirt that almost every penguin owns, and the pookies picked their neck, face, head, hand, and feet items. However, some camps were very strict with their uniform, and would not let the pookies pick anything for their outfit.


Pookies wearing a uniform.


  • Camps were associated with Pookie Scouts.
  • Summer camps were for everyone, but certain ones were just for pookies.
  • Sometimes pookies may have found a wild animal like a bear.
  • Some pookies may not have liked Summer Camp, because they may have missed their family.