Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

Scene Pookies are a rare kind of Pookie. They are somewhat like the Gothic Pookies, but they're more


colorful and bright than normal Pookies.

Notable Phrases[]

"listens to bloob on the dance floor"

"rawr xD that means i luv u in dinosaur!!"

"is scene"

"nuzzelz u"

Where Can You Find Them?[]

Scene Pookies are very rare in CP, but are slightly less uncommon in CPPSes. They are a very rare kind of Pookie. Most of the time, despite their rarity, they can be found in the Dance Club, Pet Shop, CPU, or the Stadium.


  • Scene Pookies usually have deviantART accounts.
  • They use emotes like "XD" and ":3" a lot.
  • They always usually wear bright clothing.
  • They sometimes dance quite a bit.
  • they do not get picked offen