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Quadruplets are four pookies born on the same day. They can be compared to two pairs of twins. Like normal twins and triplets, they will stick together. They can all have the same personality or different personalities.


Same Topic[]

Months (January, August, April, May)

Disney (Anna, Jasmine, Belle, Elsa)

Gems (Opal, Amethyst, Pearl, Sapphire)

Plants (Sakura, Peach, Rose, Daisy)

"Inspirational" names (Serenity, Comfort, Zen, Fortune)

Same letter[]

Sian, Sandy, Sarah and Sally

John, Jacklyn, Jennifer and Jessie

Alice, Agnes, Abby, and Ariana

Bailey, Ben, Bernice, Bella

Eunice, Emma, Evelyn, Ella

Zoe, Zaria, Zayn, Zara

Delia, Derek, Diane, Donald

Sound alike[]

Jordan, Lauren, Morven, Gordan

Jill, Bill, Lilly, Phil


  • Quadruplets are very rare, and it is possible to go many years without seeing them. You may never see them at all, ever.
  • Most quadruplets form when a pair of wistas/broders join together.
  • They are not usually allowed in pookie contests.
  • They are not picked that often, since most mumus and duh duh's don't have enough room for them.

See also[]