Pookies have a tendency to use certain catchphrases This page lists all known pookie catchphrases.
- "Sees Others Being Picked!"
- "Chews Boa"
- Sighs softly since knows will never be picked.
- "Pwease Pick mwe/meh" (Please Adopt me)
- "Mumu"? or "Duh Duh?" (Mommy/Mum/Mom/Mama?) or (Daddy/Dad/Papa?)
- "Can't Walk Talk Or Crawl!
- Can't Walk Talk Crawl Or See!
- Cant Walk Talk Crawl See Or Roll!
- "Pets uppie" (Pets puppy/dog)
- "Pets kitty" (pets cat)
- "Owwie/Owie!" (Owch!)
- "Wello/Wewo!" (Hello!)
- "Hwi!" (Hi!)
- "Wants Wich and Pwetty Mumu!" (Wants rich and pretty mom!)
- "Has Bright Green/Blue/Hazel/Brown Eyes!"
- "Wista" (Sister)
- "Broder" (Brother/Bro)
- "Is Scared of the Biggy World" (Is scared of the big world)
- " Will woo pwease adopt mwe/meh?" (Will you please adopt me?)
- "I'm Hungry/Wungry/Hwungry/Hungwy!
- "WAAAA/Waaaaah!" (crying sound)
- "otay" (okay/OK)
- "Pwick/pik/pick mwe/meh" (Pick me)
- "Mo" (No) (commonly goes through the chat filters as Moe)
- "Mot" (Not)
- "Wes" (Yes)
- "Weah!" (Yeah!/Ywea!)
- "Wep!" (Yep!)!"
- "Doesn't Understand Biggy Tiggy Wanguage!" (Doesn't Understand Big Kid Language!)
- "Speaks in Adorable Bai Bai Language" (Speaks in Adorable Baby Language)
- "Needs/Wants Mumu/Mummie" (Needs/Wants Mother)
- "Wugs/Wugz!" (Hugs!)
- "Swimmy" (Swim/Swimming)
- "Mo Pwoblem/Problem!" (No Problem!)
- "Mwe/Meh Woves/Doves Woo!" (I Love You!)
- "Wittle Eyes Sparkle!" (Little Eyes Sparkle!)
- "Tank/Bank Woo!" (Thank you!)
- "Holds Teddy/Elmo/Other toy In Wittle Arms!" (Holds Teddy/Elmo/Other toy In Little Arms!)
- "Mumu won't give mwe/meh milky!" (Mom won't give me milk!)
- "Woo Meanie Beanie!" (You are a mean person! They sometimes add "bo beanie" but this is rare.)
- "Wants meanie mumu/mommy!" (Wants mean mom!)
- "Waves with wittle yellow/some other color fwipper/arm/armie!" (Waves with little yellow/other color flipper/arm!"
- "Banks/Tanks!" (Thanks!)
- "Sings Elmo's World Song!"
- "Waves at Pwetty/Pweety Mumu!" (Waves at pretty mom!)
- "Giggles at (insert name here, ex. Biggy Birdy, Mummie, Broder, Wista, etc.)!"
- "Is weally tiny!" (Is really tiny!)
- "Waz a taz gooey!" (baby noise)
- "Eh bah bah!" (baby noise)
- "Eh gooey!" (baby noise)
- "Yummy/Wummy!" (Yum!)
- "Is weally nice pookie!" (Is really nice pookie!)
- "Wowie/wow!" (Wow!)
- Stwanger danger! (Stranger danger!)
- Agoo! (Baby noise)
- Dreams/Dweams of Mumu! (Dreams of mom!)
- Is welpless! (Is helpless)
- "Wants wista!" (Wants sister!)
- "Wants broder!" (Wants brother!)
- "Wants wista or broder!" (Wants sister or brother!)
- "Plays with wittle toesies!" (Plays with little toes) (rare)
- "Way! Wista/Broder!" (Yay! Sister/Brother!)
- "Wubsy woo!" (Baby talk)
- "Giggles cutely!"
- "Cwies softly/softwy" (Cries softly)
- Sees pwetty lady/wady! (Sees pretty lady)
- Wet's gwo! (Let's go)
- Sadly watches others being pwicked (Sadly watches others being picked)
- Opens Big (insert color here) Eyes!
- Holds wista's/broder's hand tightly (Holds sister's/brother's hand tightly)
- Waves by opening and closing wittle armies! (Waves by opening and closing little arms)
- Can't support wittle/mushy/fuzzy/peach/bai bee head! (Can't support little/mushy/fuzzy/peach/baby head)
- Reaches for golden/brown/red/black curls!
- Sees dream/dweam mumu! (Sees dream mom)
- Sits with best wista/broder ever! (Sits with best sister/brother ever)
- Gets wost in jungle of golden/brown/red/black curls! (Gets lost in jungle of golden/brown/red/black curls)
- Is wost (Is lost)
- Wooks up at pwetty missy moo! (Looks up at pretty lady!)
- Watches twee vwee! (Watches TV)
- Pways on compwuter! (Plays on computer) (rare)
- Sweeps in wittle cwib cutely! (Sleeps in little crib cutely)
- Floats like wittle bawwoon but did wot get picked (Floats like little balloon but did not get picked)
- Chews On Soft/Wubby/Marshmallow/Noodle Armies ( Chews On Soft/Chubby/Marshmallow/Noodle (They Describe It So) Arms
- "Is smaller than Salt but sweeter that Sugar!"
- "Needs mumu more than a fishy needs water!"
- Is oh so small!
- Is fresh from cp hospital!
- pways with barbie/teddytown/elmo doll
- is pwetty pwincess
- discovers wittle tosies
- chews on mushy fwippers
- chews on hospital bracelet
- wugz teddy
- gigglez cutely
- dreams about having uppie/kitty/wista/broder
- Eh! Eh! (Mostly newborns or pookies who can not speak.)
- Smiles so bright mr. sun hides in shame/ gets jealous [rare]
- Storms in slower than speed of sound
- Gets carried in by hospital worker
- Runs in faster than speed of light! [uncommon]
- Get thrown in by speeding car [rare]
- Ba Ba (Baby Noise)
- sucks on fwipers [gets you a warning]