Club Penguin Pookie Wiki
Club Penguin Pookie Wiki
What a Meld may look like

Like divas, MELD pookies wear "rare" clothing. Sometimes they look just like normal pookies, so you should better watch out.

Mean Evil Lying Divas (MELDs for short) are a specific type of diva pookie and can be considered as an "evolution" to regular Divas. They are just below drama llamas in the AMP Scale. "MELD" is not a term usually seen in Club Penguin or on CPPSes.

What Do MELDs Do?[]

MELDs are basically a worse version of diva pookies. What separates a diva pookie from a MELD is that when the mumu or dudu is on brb, the MELD will hurt or bully you, and then when the mumu/dudu comes back, the MELD will cry and act like you just hurt them and try to get you in trouble.

Many MELDs will:

  • Get others to side with them, like siblings or pets.
  • Act like perfect little angels while the mumu/dudu/other siblings are around, but then when the mumu/dudu/siblings are away become mean.
  • Throw a fit or get really sad when you try to blame stuff on them.
  • Threaten to pack up their things or run away if anyone blames them for doing something bad, trying to get pity/sympathy from the fam fam
  • Blame other pookies for things that they did and be happy when the other pookies get into trouble
  • Want their mumu/dudu/sibling's attention all the time, going as far as to do things like throw themselves into the fireplace/lit oven
  • Act spoiled and bratty, crying and throwing a tantrum when they don't get what they want.

How To Protect Yourself[]

If you find yourself being harassed/bullied/annoyed by a MELD, there are several things you can do to protect your own sanity.

  • Leave the igloo and/or family.
  • Choose a different server and find a new mumu.
  • Fake GTG and stop roleplaying for the day.
  • Tell the MELDs to stop. (usually doesn't work)
  • Report the MELD and/or ignore them.
  • Try to ignore the MELD without using the ignore feature. They'll usually get bored.
  • Tell the mumu/duh duh.
  • Play along! It's just roleplay, and sometimes it's fun to play along in less ideal fam situations.

How To Spot A MELD[]

  • Perform a fake BRB by following the steps below.
    1. Say BRB.
    2. Do not leave, just be idle for a few minutes and watch the screen.
    3. When you spot the pookie acting like a MELD, don't even say "back", just kick them out.
  • Another method is to go on BRB, then check the chat log to see if there has been a MELD.


  • Male MELDs are very rare.
  • Some MELD uppies (MELDUs) will abandon their MELD owner and side with the pookies who were bullied, although this is rare because MELD uppies are pretty rare.
  • Sometimes, a MELD will feel bad about their actions and stop rping as a MELD, but this almost never happens.
  • MELDs usually don't have partners, but sometimes a MELD will have a partner who is their sibling/twin.
  • Sometimes, meanie mumus will have a MELD and/or MELDU. She will let them bully the other pookie(s) and pretend not to notice.
  • Sometimes, a MELD may use a "mind control ray" or play the victim card to make mumus who didn't ignore their actions believe that they didn't do the 'crime'. However, this is very rare.
  • MELDs may use the term "PAW" which means "Parents Are Watching". This is rare.
  • MELDs usually prefer mumus with a star on their member badge and mumus who wear rare clothing/have rare items.
  • Most MELDs are sexist, preferring mumus over duh duhs and wistas over brothers.
  • Some MELDs are item adder pookies.
  • Many MELDs target the least rare pookie, a male pookie, or just generally a pookie they don't like.
  • Most people have never heard the term "MELD" or any of the derivative terms (MELDM, MELDU, etc.), so although these pookies do exist, this is the only platform where people might know what you're saying when you say someone's a MELD.