Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

A "fam fam" is the family of a pookie on Club Penguin or in CPPServers.  A fam fam can consist of any combination of pookies, a Mumu and/or Duh Duh, pets, extended fam fam (Au Aus, Un Uns, Grammas, Grampies,) or workers in the family like maids or butlers.

Different Types of Fam Fam Members[]

Fam Fam List
Type Age Common School Grade Description Home
Pookie 1–7 Yes. Pre-K or Elementary School. Baby penguins With the fam fam
Middle wista/broder 8–14 Yes. Middle school or high school. Much like teens only smaller and younger With the fam fam
Biggy wista or broder 15–19 Yes. High school or college. Basically teenagers With the fam fam (mostly)
Mumu/Duh Duh 20–60 Yes. College or a job. Adults that look after the fam fam With the fam fam

60–100 (Gramma/Grampy)

20–60 (Au Au/Un Un)


N/A, they may be retired or have a job

Visits (maybe lives) in the fam fam Own home with their own life or with fam fam
Uppie Any age. Yes. Usually none, rarely hospital Uppie and/or guard dog. Protects the fam fam, and are very loyal pets. Uppies are also good trash cans, so you can feed them leftovers (no sweets)! With the fam fam
Kitty Any age. No. None. Eats mice, hates Uppies most of the time With the fam fam
Bunny Any age. No. None. Usually stays in cages, loves carrots With the fam fam

Fam Fam Sizes[]

Type Members
Homeless Usually one parent and one or two pookies
Small One parent (rarely two) or 1–3 pookies, or a pet
Normal Mumu/Dada, 1–4 pookies, 1 Biggy and 1–3 pets
Big Mumu, Dada, 3–6 Pookies, some biggies and middles, and about four pets
Huge Mumu, Dada, Pookies, Biggies, Middles, Aunts, Uncles, Pets, Grammas and Grandpas
Gigantic Mumu, Duh Duh, Babysitters, Pookies, Biggies, Middles, Young Middles, Au Aus, Un Uns, Cuz Cuzes, Grammas, Grampies, Uppies, Kitties, Butlers, Maids, Bunnies, and farm animals


  • The most common sizes of fam fams are normal (3–5 members).
  • Sometimes a mumu/duh duh will advertise a "big fam fam".  A big fam fam is a free to go to igloo where you don't have to be adopted and anybody can join the family.  Usually the igloo is like a normal fam fam igloo, only it has more rooms.
  • The smallest possible fam fam (besides homeless) is a mumu/duh duh, and one pookie/middle/biggy.
  • Pookies have different preferences when it comes to fam fams. Divas will usually want small fam fams so they can get lots of attention, but some pookies want large fam fams because they find them more fun.
  • The number of penguins in a fam fam will vary on what the mumu/dada and pookie want. For example, a lone pookie could want a wista, but the mumu wants one pookie, or vice versa.
