Club Penguin Pookie Wiki
Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

Fake BRBS are used for spying on pookies to prevent trouble. Most Club Penguin users who are not on here do not know about it, so this works. It is recommended to not share this with anyone, so you have a way to prevent trouble. Be careful not to spy too long, as you can get disconnected if you spend 10 minutes idle.

When To Do It[]

Screenshot 2015-09-15 at 00.39

A Mumu using a fake brb

You will do this to see what kind of pookie your pookie is. Do this when your pookie is getting bored. The most obvious sign of boredom is when they say "mwe bored." "can we do swomething?" That is an easy way to know when your pookie is bored, but sometimes pookies show other signs of boredom. It is also recommended to do this when you first get your pookie, after 5 or so minutes. Do not do this right away. You should do this when your pookie is acting suspiciously or showing signs of being a MELD or a Domino Diva.

How To Do It[]

When you have decided to do this, just say brb like you normally do. This means be right back. Then sit down so your penguin won't move when your mouse/mousepad moves. Do this for about one minute or one minute and thirty seconds. If your pookie makes trouble, do not say back! Just jump at them and send them to time out. You could also make another account and make that account a babysitter.

Why It Helps Pookies[]

Sometimes, when you adopt a domino diva, they make trouble. They often attempt to avoid detection by doing this while you are on BRB. This can lead to them harming other members of your fam fam. This way, you know what is happening and can stop their mean behavior early.