Club Penguin Pookie Wiki

Discolored Pookies (or discoloured pookies) are pookies who do not wear the color yellow. They are relatively common because newbie pookies sometimes don't know that pookies are supposed to be yellow. It's pretty rare for someone who knows that pookies usually wear yellow to not wear the color yellow, but it does happen sometimes. Very rarely, discolored pookies are people who are trolling. Discolored pookies act the same as normal pookies. The only difference is that they don't wear the color yellow. Sometimes, discolored pookies try to hide their feathers/skin or are shy about their feather/skin color. Discolored pookies have a very low chance of getting picked. On Club Penguin, discolored pookies were usually non-members.

Discolored pookies sometimes will say things like "Not all pookies have to be yellow"

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One of today's discolored pookies

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Another one.


Discolored pookies don't speak like normal pookies, since most of them haven't role played a lot. Here are some phrases they commonly say:

  • Knows will never be picked
  • Is discolored
  • Cries
  • Adopt me
  • Please adopt me
  • Has never been picked
  • (sad or depressed emote)
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  • Orange discolored pookies are the most common, pink or peach discolored pookies are common too
  • Discolored pookies are sort of similar to chicks in that they don't wear yellow.
  • Being discolored is not something you can change.
  • Many discolored pookies are pretty sweet and nice, especially because they're not picked often.
  • There aren't very many discolored pookies on Club Penguin Rewritten, so most people don't know about them.