Cuz Cuz is the pookie word for cousin. Cuz Cuzes are rare. They are the pookies of an Au Au or an Un Un (if there is one, otherwise they may just live with the family). They can be mean or nice. Au Aus may get pookies for many reasons, such as the mumu not wanting them to take over the family.

Sometimes Cuz Cuzes and Au Aus will come with the family on a family vacation. Other times the family will take a vacation to visit the Au Au and the Cuz Cuzes. They may also visit often if the Au Au lives nearby. The family may also visit for holidays, or even for a family reunion. Sometimes families, Au Aus, and Cuz Cuzes will live in the same igloo. They dress like normal pookies.
- Mean Evil Lying Cousins (MELCs) DO exist, but are very rare because pookies in general have become nicer.
- Cuz Cuzes usually come around when someone decides to split a larger fam and be au au to a few of the pookies or when there's not enough room.
- Cuz Cuzes can also have pets with them.